Blogging Chages Lives

A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world to share your shopping list. – Unknown

I don’t know whether you’re a blog writer or not, but you’re definitely a blog reader.

This might be the very first blog post you’ve ever read. More likely, though, you came here through a link from another blog, or you’ve been a reader of The BridgeMaker for a while – and you probably read at least a few other blogs too.

That means that blogs absolutely have the potential to change your life.

Sceptical? Intrigued? Either way, read on…

Blogs: Information and Connection

There are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there. Sure, an awful lot of them are rambling personal journals – but there’s a huge core of fantastic, valuable information – all for free.

Want to learn something new? You don’t need to pay for evening classes or head back to college, or even buy books. Whatever you’re interested in – cooking, public speaking, playing the guitar, bringing up kids, time management – there’s bound to be dozens of blogs about it.

A useful blog could give you the knowledge which you need to make a career change. An inspiring one could give you the confidence and motivation which you need to reach for your dreams.

Be open to the possibility of change. Don’t see blogs as something which you just read – see them as material to engage with.

Blogs are a great place to connect with other people with the same interests as you. If you read a few blogs but rarely or never leave comments, I’d urge you to find one post to comment on today (it might be this one). Let the author – and the other readers – know your thoughts.

Writing a Blog: Why It Changes You

Maybe you have your own blog, or you’ve thought about writing one.

I’d urge you to give it a go. Blogging will change you – in many good ways.

If you want to write but struggle to find the time, blogging can give you a great reason: readers who’re waiting for your next post.

If you’re interested in exploring different ways of expressing yourself – in writing, but also with audio or even video content – then blogging lets you do that. It’s not like writing a book: you don’t have to stick to one narrow topic, or one style. You can bring in fiction (like Alex did with What Hope Really Means) or branch out into poetry.

If you want to learn, then writing a blog can be even more effective than reading one. Perhaps you’re a new parent, sharing your own experiences and lessons learned. Maybe you’re getting a grip on your own finances, and blogging about your journey. (That’s how the popular finance blog The Simple Dollar started – when the writer, Trent Hamm, decided to get out of debt.)

The process of writing itself can be hugely valuable; if you’ve ever kept a journal, you may have experienced that for yourself. Writing a coherent blog post helps you to clarify your own thoughts – often coming up with new insights along the way.

Where Could Blogging Take You?

Blogs are here to stay. New blogs are started every single day, and hundreds of new readers are getting online.

The beauty of blogging is that there’s no one set path. You could write a blog simply as a hobby, and have a great time making new friends – who might live across the world from you. Or you might eventually end up with a six figure income from that blog. (That’s what happened to Darren Rowse from ProBlogger, for instance.)

Blogging has taken me in directions I’d never have imagined. When I graduated from college four years ago, I thought I’d have an office job for the next few years – and, if I was lucky, eventually make money writing novels.

With blogging, I can make a living and pursue my writing at the same time. I work on a number of projects – freelance blogging for big sites, generating revenue for my own sites through advertising and affiliate sales, selling my own digital products, and coaching other writers.

I don’t know quite where I’ll go next – but I know I’m excited to find out!

And I don’t know exactly where blogs will take you. But, if you give them a change, they just might change your life.


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